Monday 15 June 2015

The dos and don'ts of breakfast

Are you getting the most important meal of the day right?
The dos and don'ts of breakfast
Whether you’re a morning person or someone who hits snooze so frequently you’ve made an art of it, there’s no denying breakfast is the most important meal of the day.
So are you getting it right, or could that fruit salad you grab on the way to work be negatively affecting your health? Dietician Imogen Hooper explains the dos and don’ts of healthy eating when the alarm goes off.

DO: Go for a low GI option like oats

Why: “Low GI foods like oats help keep blood sugars stable, resulting in a lower peak in blood glucose levels and helping you feel full for longer, which is great for weight control,” says Hooper.
High in fibre, steel cut oats are the healthiest option for weight control and steady energy levels, but if you’re short on time, you can reach for some plain instant oats topped with nuts for protein and a drizzle of raw honey to sweeten.

DON’T: Fill up on fruit

Why: “You really only need two pieces of fruit a day, and while fruit is a good source of fibre and vitamins, getting the correct ratio of carbohydrate, protein and fat in the morning is critical to starting the day right,” advises Hooper.

Instead of noshing on fruit alone, pair your morning banana with some wholegrain toast to lower the GI and top with peanut butter for added protein.

DO: Invest time in your morning meal

Why: Notorious breakfast skipper? Hooper says it’s time to change your routine.
“Appetite starts with the eyes. Putting the effort into making an appealing breakfast will not only make you more likely to eat it, but more mindful of the meal, allowing you to enjoy the textures, smell and taste – something we rarely do these days!”
Although it may hurt in the short term, setting your alarm ten minutes earlier to sit and enjoy breakfast will be well worth the effort in the long term.

DON'T: Be afraid of grains

Why: “Unless you’re coeliac or gluten intolerant you have no reason to be grain-o-phobic,” says Hooper.
“Grains are full of fibre and the vitamins necessary for bodily function. Included in the right amount at the right time, they’re a perfect source of energy.”
Ideal choices include soy and linseed toast, rolled oats and wholegrain cereal, just ensure you check the sugar content is below 10 grams per 100 grams to keep it low GI.

DO: Include protein

Why: If your energy is lagging during the day, it could mean you’re missing out on protein at breakfast.
“You don’t need to be guzzling protein shakes, but you do need to include protein in small amounts to get the best benefits,” explains Hooper.
“At breakfast this might look like some good quality dairy products, baked beans, eggs or nuts.”


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