1. Drink lemon water right when you wake up. This is a great morning ritual that will help kickstart the rehydration process and cleanse the digestive tract. The lemon contains Vitamin C, which will not only help your metabolism but will provide strength to your immune system as well.
2. Mind your fiber. Make an effort to get your daily fiber requirement met each day. You’ll notice an improvement in how you feel as well as notice a difference in how much your metabolism improves.
3. Eat more protein. All else being equal, more protein will provide a metabolism boost so it’s important that you’re getting enough. You don’t need to go overboard, but you definitely don’t want to fall short in this department for long periods of time.
4. Keep the meals coming. Rather than skip meals in an attempt to reduce your caloric intake and lose weight, focus on eating more frequently without getting extra full. Keeping your metabolic fires fueled is an effective way to make sure you always have enough energy to keep going.
5. Get better quality sleep. Getting to bed earlier is one step in getting better sleep. You’ll also want to make sure that you’re not getting too much sleep and waking up at the same time each day. Improve your sleep and you’ll boost your metabolism effortlessly.
6. Strengthen your muscles. A stronger, leaner physique is a guaranteed way to have a faster metabolism. You’ll be burning fat in your sleep and during your downtime, which means you’ll really be turning the tables and getting rid of fat stores that have built up over time.
7. Eat metabolism-boosting foods first. When you fill up on foods that boost your metabolism you’ll be crowding out other foods that either slow it down or have no effect. The best part is that these foods are also good for your overall health, so you’ll be getting an amplified benefit from eating them.
8. Stress less. The more you stress out the slower your metabolic rate, and the higher the likelihood of eating comfort foods which will only mess up your progress. Learn to take time each day to attend to your relaxation and to recharge your batteries, along with your metabolism.
9. Increase omega-3 intake. Omega-3 is an important part to any metabolism-conscious diet plan, and you’ll see better results in less time if you make sure to include foods rich in this fatty acid. One great choice is salmon, which also provides protein and minerals that will improve your overall health.
10. Monitor your blood sugar levels. Even if you’re not diabetic you can keep your blood sugar levels in mind and do your best to keep them stable with the meals you eat. Make sure to combine proteins with smart carbohydrate choices to avoid spikes, keep your energy levels up, and your metabolism humming.
11. Don’t forget breakfast. Often referred to as the most important meal of the day, you don’t want to miss the chance to get your digestive system in gear before you leave the house in the morning. It doesn’t have to be an elaborate affair, and even something snack-sized will do the trick.
12. Go organic. Keeping your body running like a well-oiled machine is key to having a properly functioning metabolism. You can’t expect it to work at its full potential if it’s trying to make heads or tails of herbicides and pesticides. By keeping your food clean, you help keep your body clean and your metabolism going strong.
13. Use healthier oils. Choosing the right oils can set you up for success, and will save you from the ill effects of using oils that slow you down. Opt for coconut oil and olive oil over vegetable oil or canola oil. Also, avoid any hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated oils.
14. Increase your NEAT score. NEAT is an acronym for Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis, and it basically refers to all of the activity you get throughout the day doing daily activities. You can keep your metabolism in high gear just by being productive and getting things done like cleaning the house or car, or working on DIY projects around the home.
15. Get needed vitamins and minerals. If you’re running any sort of shortage on important vitamins and minerals, your metabolism is going to suffer for it. Minerals like zinc, iron, chromium are all essential, which is why it’s so important to eat a diet full of fruits and vegetables that keep you topped up.
16. Work out using intervals. Cardio is recommended for a better metabolism, and there’s no better way to go about it than with interval training. Compared to long periods of moderate intensity, shorter sessions of intervals means you’re burning more fat even hours after you’ve finished the workout.
17. Strike a pose. Yoga pose that is. Even though it doesn’t look like you’re doing much, holding yoga poses helps to increase your metabolism. Stick with it consistently and you’ll see the results of an improved metabolic rate.
18. Drink green tea. The catechins in green tea can help boost your metabolism, and the tea itself is full of antioxidants that help the body in a number of ways. It also contains some caffeine, which acts as an additional bump to the metabolism.
19. Get moving at night. Taking an after dinner walk or otherwise engaging in some form of light exercise in the early evening can help you rev up your metabolism so that it’s working through the night while you sleep. Just make sure you space it out so it’s a few hours before you plan on going to bed.
20. Eat more beans. Beans are digested slowly by the body, helping to stabilize blood sugar levels. They’re also an excellent source of fiber and minerals, and can work wonders on a sluggish metabolism.
21. Expose yourself to sunlight. This will not only increase your Vitamin D levels but will help you fall asleep more easily by releasing the right hormones at the right time. Vitamin D is an important vitamin for metabolism, as well as your overall wellbeing.
22. Snack strategically. Prepare snacks ahead of time to avoid any gaps in your nutrition, and reduce the likelihood of eating something unhealthy because you’re hungry and panicky.
23. Use apple cider vinegar. Add a bit of apple cider vinegar to your water and you’ll be helping to improve your digestion and metabolize foods better. Be sure to go with organic apple cider vinegar that contains “the mother”.
24. Cleanse the body with gradual detoxing. Out with the bad, in with the good. Detoxing helps your body get rid of toxins that are getting in the way of a healthy metabolism. Release them and your body can do what it’s meant to do.
25. Eat almonds as a snack. Almonds make a great snack because they’re crunchy and satisfying, and provide minerals, protein, and fiber, all of which contribute to a better metabolism.
26. Get spicy. Getting liberal with the spices you use can have a direct effect on your metabolism. Cayenne pepper is a great spice to fall in love with, as the capsaicin it contains has been proven to speed up your metabolism.
27. Exercise in the morning. Getting the body going in the morning can mean the difference between being in fat-burning mode all day, or stuck in fat-storing mode. Work up a sweat before 10am and you’ll be set.
28. Start your day with grapefruit. Eating grapefruit is another morning habit to establish, as it’s a metabolism-boosting food that is often recommended as a weight loss aid. Just be sure not to add sugar to it, and if you want to sweeten it up use a bit of raw, organic honey.
29. Laugh it up! Laughing can actually help keep your metabolism in high gear. The more you laugh and the more heartier that laughter is, the better for your health.
30. Use honey and cinnamon. The combination of honey and cinnamon can have a surprising effect on your metabolism. It simply involves adding the two together in a sort of tea, and drinking at certain times of the day. See more about the benefits of cinnamon and honey to your metabolism.
31. Get into the juicing craze. Blending up organic fruits and vegetables into a tasty juice is a surefire way to get your metabolism going, and flood the body with the nutrients it craves daily.
32. Drink plenty of water. Dehydration is one of the biggest culprits for a compromised metabolism. Drink enough water each day and you’ll be giving your organs and the rest of your body what they need to do their job.
33. Use more ginger. Ginger has a cleansing effect on the body, and this can lead to an improved metabolism. You can grate fresh ginger onto a meal, or use powdered ginger in a smoothie or soup.
34. Consider a kelp supplement. Kelp supplements contain iodine, which is essential for proper thyroid health. Getting your thyroid in order is a major step toward realizing the full potential of your metabolism.
35. Eat grass-fed beef. Organic grass-fed beef contains far more CLA in it than grain-fed beef, which will help you burn fat. Grain-fed beef, by comparison, is going to contain antibiotics and growth hormones that are designed to fatten up the cows.
36. Get a massage. Releasing blocked energy will help your metabolism, and a massage works at doing just that. The deeper the massage, the more they’re getting to stored up negative energy. Try a deep tissue massage or rolfing for a better metabolism without much in the way of effort on your part.
37. Take an L-arginine supplement. L-arginine may be able to stimulate your metabolism into action. It’s an important amino acid that is required by the body, and will help you build lean muscle that translates to a more efficient metabolism.
38. Get an acupuncture treatment. Ask your acupuncturist to help you out with your metabolism and they’ll work on specific points that are linked to your metabolism.
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